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arts & culture LAB

Attractive for
people at any time
of day and year

Attractive for
people at any time
of day and year

Space for art,
culture and leisure.

A special feature of BE-U | Behrens-Ufer is the concept of creating an area that is attractive to people at any time of the day or year. Not only places of work will be provided here, but also spaces for art, culture, and leisure. The BE-U arts & culture LAB have the task of turning the place into reality while enlivening the district bit by bit even during the construction phase.

Through the arts & culture LAB, we are establishing a network with cultural institutions, art initiatives, and a wide variety of cultural professionals such as authors, filmmakers, musicians, dancers, and actors. 

In doing so, we are also involving cultural entrepreneurs, event organisers, gallerists, teachers, and culturally enthusiastic citizens. The arts & culture LAB provides a platform for this collaboration. By addressing the major development of the creative trend in the district, the arts & culture LAB will help expand the city’s cultural spectrum and will turn the BE-U into a new hotspot for Berlin’s arts and culture scene. Art and culture are a driving force within society. At the BE-U, the appropriate spaces are being created for this.

News from the arts & culture LAB

Contact person

Head of arts & culture LAB
Mantu Overbeck 



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