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BE-U food

A holistic

Our sustainable food concept for BE-U is based on a holistic approach that considers ecological, social, and economic factors. We envision a carbon-neutral commercial city district with renewable energy sources and an integrated approach to recycling and water management in accordance with ESG guidelines. 

Our goal is to create a place of high quality of life and long-term economic sustainability, providing an attractive work environment.

Ein ganzheitlicher

Unser nachhaltiges Foodkonzept für das BE-U gründet sich auf einem ganzheit­lichen Ansatz, der ökologische, soziale und wirtschaft­liche Faktoren berück­sichtigt. Wir verfolgen die Vision eines CO2-neutralen Gewerbe­stadtquartiers mit erneuer­baren Energien und einem integra­tiven Ansatz für Recycling und Wasser­management gemäß den ESG-Richtlinien. Unser Ziel ist es, einen Ort von hoher Lebens­qualität und lang­fristiger wirtschaft­licher Nachhaltig­keit zu gestalten, der ein ansprechendes Arbeits­umfeld bietet.

Our strategic focus aligns with efficiency,
cost-effectiveness, and sustainability, covering:

Creating a community-focused gastronomy concept and establishing a gastronomy association 

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Retail concept centered on innovation
and comprehensive sustainability

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Holistic food procurement focusing on fairness, regional sourcing, transparency, and sustainability

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Promoting innovative food producers
at BE-U for local production

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Food waste

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Public relations activities and knowledge
transfer of the best practices

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Our strategic focus aligns with efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability, covering:

Creating a community-focused gastronomy concept and establishing a gastronomy association 

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Retail concept centered on innovation
and comprehensive sustainability

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Holistic food procurement focusing on  fairness, regional sourcing, transparency, and sustainability

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Promoting innovative food producers at BE-U for local production

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Food waste reduction

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Public relations activities and knowledge transfer of  the best practices

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News from the food LAB

Contact persons

Head of food LAB
Natalie Tacke


Concept Manager Food & Beverage
Ruzica Krakan


Unsere Partner


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