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Deep geothermal energy

Deep geothermal energy
as the key to energy
self-sufficiency and

Our aim is to be a pioneer in developing deep geothermal energy for our district and beyond. The new energy LAB offers a central platform for exchange and cooperation between all relevant stakeholders from business, science and politics.

Tiefe Geothermie als Schlüssel zur
Energieautarkie und Transformation 

Unser Ziel ist es als Vorreiter die Tiefe Geothermie für unser Quartier und darüber hinaus zu erschließen. Das new energy LAB bietet hierbei eine zentrale Plattform für den fach­lichen Austausch und die Zusammenarbeit aller relevanten Stake­holder aus Wirtschaft, Wissen­schaft und Politik.

Game changer of the energy transition:
renewable, price-stable and base-load capable

Deep geothermal energy is a renewable, price-stable and base load-capable energy source. As a solution for a sustainable urban energy supply, it is independent of the weather, time of day and season, making it a crucial building block for the future of energy supply. Since the founding of the new energy LAB in Fall 2023, we are intensively exploring the potential and possibilities of this fascinating technology for heat and power supply at BE-U. 

We are working with the renowned members of the LAB to promote the realization of this innovative energy source at BE-U through knowledge transfer and dialogue. Thereby we are contributing to the energy self-sufficiency of our premises and the climate-neutral urban development of Berlin. 

At BE-U, we rely on the Eavor-Loop technology, which, with its closed-loop AGS system, enables the efficient and environmentally friendly use of natural rock heat. By combining theoretical knowledge and practical know-how, we are developing best practices for the inner-city use of this technology in the new energy LAB.


Session overview 2023/2024

"Deep geothermal energy has great potential to drive the energy and heat transition, especially in the Berlin metropolitan area. At BE-U, we want to be pioneers with our LAB for deep geothermal energy and use this almost inexhaustible energy resource for our district and our city of Berlin."

Dr. Sarah Perumalla, Head of new energy LAB

News about deep geothermal energy at BE‑U

Contact person

Head of new energy LAB
Dr. Sarah Perumalla


Unsere Partner


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