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Vehicle-to-everything (V2X)
for a greener future

CharIn sundowner event, 15.05.2024

BE-U had the pleasure of hosting members of CharIN for an inspiring sundowner chat on integrating cutting-edge technologies like Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) into urban development and the built world.

CharIn sundowner event, 15.05.2024

BE-U had the pleasure of hosting members of CharIN for an inspiring sundowner chat on integrating cutting-edge technologies like Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) into urban development and the built world.

A vision for EV interoperability and
conformance testing at BE-U.

News from the innovation LABs.


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We use rapidmail to send our newsletter. By registering, you agree that the data you enter will be transmitted to rapidmail. Please note their AGB and Privacy policy.

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